Do you have any children age between 15 and 30? Do you have any relatives and friends in this age range you really care about? Are you yourself in this age range? If your response is positive to any of the above, you have to know what MaD is all about.
Wind of Change? Finance Guru Ron Cordes is Pointing Billions of Dollars in Better Direction
Call it a midlife crisis gone terribly right. After 28 years in finance, Ron Cordes – co-chairman of the US$21billion asset management firm Greenworth – is dedicating his energy to building an online portal that will make impact investing a whole lot easier. Take a closer look to impact investing and recent developments -
Back to Basics: What are Social Enterprises and Social Entrepreneurs for?
Although ‘social enterprise’ and ‘social entrepreneur’ have now become part of the daily language, there are no commonly acceptable definitions of these terms, in Hong Kong and abroad. And when these terms are translated into Chinese, the confusion is even bigger. There is absolutely no doubt that there are social enterprises and social entrepreneurs in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China, but these terms have vastly different meanings in the respective regions. Instead of debating definitions, one way to gain understanding into this phenomenon is to look at their common denominator, which is tackling social issues in new and innovative ways. What are the social issues we concern about?
Socially Responsible Consumption – the Future is Now
C. H. Kee, Chairman of Fullness Social Enterprise, shared with us on Social Responsible Consumption and the case study on the Socially Responsible Consumption Program in his organisation.
Dare to Dream – Patrick Cheung as an Inspiration for All of Us
After Patrick was appointed Ashoka’s Country Representative for China last month, we asked him to share with us his aspirations and challenges in this new role. Below is what he has written.
Half Time: From Success to Significance
"It calls for a paradigm shift; when you approach 50, imagine yourself standing at half time." KK shared his views on the book of Bob Bufford, about the shift from 'success' to 'significance' at life's half-time.
Fair Trade for All – even for Your Family and Your Office
How fair is world trade today? Why do we need to support fair trade products, and how can we do so in Hong Kong? In this article, KK would like to encourage you to start buying Fair Trade products from now on, only on one condition - when he succeeds in enabling you to master the arguments for buying Fair Trade products so that you could convincingly explain them to every one around you.
The Magic of Darkness – Sharing a Dream, Sharing Success
Five months have passed since the announcement of setting up DiD HK Ltd. A series of trial workshops have been conducted and proven a great success - here is an update from KK and Patrick.
Social Venture Partners – The Venture Capital Approach to Philanthropy
When someone has a huge sum of money for charitable causes, he can set up a foundation with its own mission and full-time staff to manage it. For the ordinary folks who are occasional donors, they could only make the donations and hope for the best. But what about those in between these two extremes? There is a full spectrum of people with varying degree of wealth, knowledge, expertise and dedication to social causes. Beside donation, is there a better way to give?