Timothy Ma of SCHSA wins 2009 Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award – Asia

Timothy Ma is one of the three winners of the 2009 Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award – Asia, presented by the Schwab Foundation. The Award ceremony was held at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Dalian, China, on September 10-12, 2009. Timothy writes of his experience in Dalian as follows.

Fair Trade for All – even for Your Family and Your Office

How fair is world trade today? Why do we need to support fair trade products, and how can we do so in Hong Kong? In this article, KK would like to encourage you to start buying Fair Trade products from now on, only on one condition - when he succeeds in enabling you to master the arguments for buying Fair Trade products so that you could convincingly explain them to every one around you.


(The article is in Chinese only) 剛在香港舉行的『社企民間高峰會』,以『創新、創業精神及社會革新』為主題。會上差不多每一個社會創業者的案例,都充份體現了這些主題。 筆者對其中一個案例,印象特別深刻,而且是來自中國內地,更是難能可貴。以下是『多背一公斤』和余志海的故事。