The Economist on Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

In a recent issue (Aug 12, 2010), the Economist magazine carried a special report on some of the path-breaking initiatives of the US and UK governments in harnessing social entrepreneurship in solving some of society’s most intractable problems. KK presents an excerpt and poses challenging questions to readers.

The Giving Pledge: How Billionaires Are Changing the World

Following Bill Gates and Warren Buffet’s recent announcement, The Giving Pledge has suddenly become the talk of the town. It is certainly a major and timely initiative and is likely to have a major impact on charity giving as well as tackling some of the world’s most pressing problems. How will it impact social entrepreneurship? KK talks about the new way of "Giving" and the landscape in Hong Kong and China.

The Making of a Young Social Entrepreneur – Meet Freddy Law of Intercultural Education

At the age of 25, Freddy Law is a rising star in the world of social enterprise and alternative education in Hong Kong. With contagious passion and endless drive he differs from his peers with an insatiable desire to achieve his goal of transforming learning in his home town and beyond. His hard work, frequently over 16 hours a day, determination and motivation have attracted many young people to follow his path. Read his story -

Lighting up Lives, from Hong Kong

With a plan to centralise several of the company’s key functions in Hong Kong, D.light Design – one of the world’s most successful social enterprises – has chosen the city to be a base for its mission to serve people around the world living without steady electricity supply. KK talked about the significance of D.light's presence in Hong Kong.

Timothy Ma of SCHSA wins 2009 Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award – Asia

Timothy Ma is one of the three winners of the 2009 Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award – Asia, presented by the Schwab Foundation. The Award ceremony was held at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Dalian, China, on September 10-12, 2009. Timothy writes of his experience in Dalian as follows.

Fair Trade for All – even for Your Family and Your Office

How fair is world trade today? Why do we need to support fair trade products, and how can we do so in Hong Kong? In this article, KK would like to encourage you to start buying Fair Trade products from now on, only on one condition - when he succeeds in enabling you to master the arguments for buying Fair Trade products so that you could convincingly explain them to every one around you.