Call it a midlife crisis gone terribly right. After 28 years in finance, Ron Cordes – co-chairman of the US$21billion asset management firm Greenworth – is dedicating his energy to building an online portal that will make impact investing a whole lot easier. Take a closer look to impact investing and recent developments -
Muhammad Yunus on Consumption and the Logic of Uncontrolled Growth
KK have been studying Yunus’ two recent books. Both titles focus on social business (and indeed there are some overlapping materials), but Yunus’s primary purpose is to demonstrate that the current, 'traditional' capitalism has outlived its usefulness and that the world needs a new kind of capitalism in which social business will become increasingly the dominant form of business.
(The article is in Chinese only) 日本人喜歡儲蓄,但很多人不知道他們的存款在社會中是怎樣被使用。「未來銀行」的創始人田中優卻認為,這是一個重大問題,他花了很多心思去研究,最後構思了「未來銀行」作為回應,以一個嶄新的社會企業來面對這個問題。
Jessica Jackley Flannery 的社會創業之路
The article is the Chinese translation of "How I Became a Social Entrepreneur", written by Jessica Jackley Flannery, Co-founder of Kiva, posted on 3 Sept 2008 on SSIR Blog. Jessica was a speaker at Social Enterprise Summit in 2008.
Yunus Comes to China
Most people would have heard of Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank, who were the joint winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. They might also be aware of the fact that Yunus’ microfinance model has been replicated in many parts of the world. Very few, however, are familiar with the work of Grameen Foundation which has helped accelerate the spread of Yunus’ model across the world.