公民行動創造重生: Rebirth: Association for Children’s Health

(The article is in Chinese only) In Brazil, many sick children in poverty could not receive any follow-up healthcare service after discharging from public hospitals. Poor living environment and hygiene caused high relapse rate and infections. In 1991, Brazilian surgeon Vera Cordeiro started "Rebirth: Association for Children's Health" aiming to render community support to low-income families in taking care of sick children to reduce relapse and prevent diseases...


(The article is in Chinese only) You may find it hilarious - what is "World Toilet Organization" all about? Over the world, in both developed and developing regions, nearly 40% of the population do not have access to the most basic sanitary facilities, leading to many infectious diseases and even death. And there comes Jack Sim, a Singaporean social entrepreneur, who founded this WTO to change this world - starting from the toilets.


(The article is in Chinese only) 農家女學校的全名是北京農家女實用技能培訓學校,是2001年成立的北京農家女文化發展中心的前身之一。最早是1993年創刊的《農家女》雜誌,1996年創辦「打工妹之家」,1998年創辦農家女學校。兩位創辦人謝麗華及吳青可說是內地社會創業的佼佼者...