(The article is in Chinese only) 日本人喜歡儲蓄,但很多人不知道他們的存款在社會中是怎樣被使用。「未來銀行」的創始人田中優卻認為,這是一個重大問題,他花了很多心思去研究,最後構思了「未來銀行」作為回應,以一個嶄新的社會企業來面對這個問題。
(The article is in Chinese only) You may find it hilarious - what is "World Toilet Organization" all about? Over the world, in both developed and developing regions, nearly 40% of the population do not have access to the most basic sanitary facilities, leading to many infectious diseases and even death. And there comes Jack Sim, a Singaporean social entrepreneur, who founded this WTO to change this world - starting from the toilets.
(The article is in Chinese only) 農家女學校的全名是北京農家女實用技能培訓學校,是2001年成立的北京農家女文化發展中心的前身之一。最早是1993年創刊的《農家女》雜誌,1996年創辦「打工妹之家」,1998年創辦農家女學校。兩位創辦人謝麗華及吳青可說是內地社會創業的佼佼者...
社會創業者推動社會變革—Ashoka 的冒起
(The article is in Chinese only) Ashoka, one of the leading forces to promote social entrepreneurship and enable change makers to scale their impact, was founded by Bill Drayton in 1981. It has become a critical mass of citizen sector to drive positive social change worldwide.
「為美國而教 (Teach for America)」的影響力
(The article is in Chinese only) Wendy Kopp, the founder of "Teach for America", was recently selected by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 most influential persons in the world. Let's look at her story and the impact she made to this world -
(The article is in Chinese only) This is the story of Paul Rice - the founder of Transfair (now Fair Trade USA), the leading third-party certification body of Fair Trade products in the United States.
(The article is in Chinese only) "Corporate Social Responsibility" is not a new concept. Accenture, a global consultancy firm, has taken CSR to a whole new level with the Accenture Development Partnerships, founded by an intrapreneur Gib Bulloch.
(The article is in Chinese only) John Wood left his prospective job at Microsoft to start "Room to Read" - a leading non-profit organisation for improving literacy and gender equality in education in the developing world. Read his story -
Jessica Jackley Flannery 的社會創業之路
The article is the Chinese translation of "How I Became a Social Entrepreneur", written by Jessica Jackley Flannery, Co-founder of Kiva, posted on 3 Sept 2008 on SSIR Blog. Jessica was a speaker at Social Enterprise Summit in 2008.
A New Social Venture – Dialogue in the Dark
Remember Dialogue in the Dark? Patrick Cheung and KK Tse are setting up a social enterprise to bring it to Hong Kong and China. Here's what they are proposing to do, why they want to do it, how they are going about it and when.