Cintia Nunes

  • Honorary Secretary, Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum
  • Co-Director, The Mills Fabrica HK

Cintia Nunes began her career at Procter & Gamble where she focused on consumer insights and formalizing business and marketing strategies for more than 10 brands in Hong Kong and Taiwan. She then pivoted to startups and became the Hong Kong Market Lead at Grana, a Series A online fashion start-up based in Hong Kong where she helped drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, retail and customer experience. Subsequently, she joined Dream Impact as the Chief of Strategy & Growth where she helped to pivot their business model and soon became one of the prominent social impact ecosystem builders in Hong Kong by working closely with strategic and community partners to scale and deepen social impact through advocacy, bridging of resources and strategic partnerships.

Cintia is currently the Co-Director of The Mills Fabrica and focuses on leading Fabrica to become a go-to hub for sustainability, impact and innovation in techstyle (technology x lifestyle). The Mills Fabrica is the innovation arm of The Mills, through its investments globally and incubation programme and spaces in both Hong Kong and London, Fabrica strives to make positive impact in sustainability by transforming consumer industries across the value chain with technology and innovation in textile, apparel and agri-food.

With strong passion in driving social impact and systemic change, Cintia is a strong advocate in cross-sector collaborations and partnerships. She has also supported numerous social businesses in their growth strategies, social innovation competitions as judge and advisor, and is always happy to bridge connections to drive greater synergy and positive impact.

Cintia holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics degree from the University College London, UK.

Cintia Nunes

  • 香港社會創業論壇榮譽秘書
  • 南豐作坊的聯席總監

Cintia Nunes曾在Procter & Gamble負責策略制定、市場洞察和市場營銷工作,研究市場和消費者行為,為超過10個香港及台灣的品牌制定經營策略。隨後,她加入Grana成為其香港市場的領導人,Grana作為一間經過A輪融資的香港線上時裝初創公司,Cintia進一步提升品牌知名度、開拓不同客戶群組,兼整合線上線下的零售體驗。其後,她加入Dream Impact擔任首席策略及發展總監,重新制訂經營模式,並透過促進策略夥伴和不同社群的合作去擴大及加深對社會的影響力,在兩年間讓公司成為建造香港社會影響力的重要一員。

Cintia現時是南豐作坊的聯席總監。南豐作坊是一個提供創新解決方案的平台,致力推動可持續的紡織科技(techstyle: technology x lifestyle)和農業食品科技(agrifood tech)。南豐作坊亦是南豐紗廠的創新支柱,專注於培育和投資可持續創新的初創公司。同時致力透過香港與英國兩地的協作發展(包括共享辦公、活動、原型製作和體驗店)凝聚相同理念的創業家、社群和合作夥伴,為業界和下一代帶來正面社會效益。Cintia致力讓南豐作坊帶領業界在可持續和創新方面的發展以及成為各界在尋求合作時的不二之選。


Cintia擁有英國University College London(倫敦大學學院)經濟學理學士學位。