Andre Kwok

Founder and Chairman of the Board, Good City Foundation, HK

Mr Andre Kwok has been creating impact in emerging cities in Southeast Asia and South Asia as an entrepreneur since 2012. He first started an education start-up in Cambodia and is the Founder of Future City Summit (Good City Foundation), a non-profit organisation with offices in Hong Kong, Bandung, Manila and Bangkok. The Foundation curates summits and development programs in urban development, food, fintech, and governance and policy, connecting 30+ emerging cities in Asia and Africa through establishing Emerging Future Cities Network for both public and private sectors. High-profile guests attended included Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank, Bangladesh, I.B. Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, Mayor of Denpasar City, Indonesia and Arthur F. Celeste, Mayor of Alaminos City, Philippines. Good City Foundation is currently a member of the Private Sector Committee of ASEAN Smart Cities Network and a (Non-Profit) Institutional Partner of G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance.

He worked in an asset management company in Hong Kong and volunteered in development agencies such as United Nations Development Program and Mekong Business Initiative (MBI) of Asian Development Bank in Southeast Asia, focusing on emerging economic development, development financing and entrepreneurial governance with experience in financial technologies, agriculture, food, entertainment, urban development and education. He was also invited to be a founding member of Hong Kong-ASEAN Economic Cooperation Foundation in Hong Kong in 2016.

He graduated from the University of Hong Kong, majoring in International Relations. He was named a Li Ka Shing Foundation Scholarship Scholar in Public Policy at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of The National University of Singapore and served as a Student Fellow in Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) of the Ministry of National Development of Singapore. He currently serves in the Advisory Board of the Small and Medium Sized Cities Digital Transformation Project of the World Economic Forum in Beijing and in the working group of IoT and Urban Transformation (Asia Action Group) of the World Economic Forum.

Other Public Engagement services include:

  • Founding Committee of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Hong Kong Alumni Chapter
  • St. Gallen Symposium’s Leaders of Tomorrow (LoT) 2019 and 2021
  • Speaker in TEDxPolyU 2017
  • Clinton Global Initiative University Hong Kong Ambassador and Mentor 2014 / 2015
  • Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations Hong Kong China Ambassador 2014



郭嘉明先生從2012年起一直參與東南亞及南亞發展事務,包括柬埔寨的未來人才計劃、印尼峇里島的未來旅遊業發展及菲律賓的城市規劃。他為非營利組織未來城市峰會及好城市基金會的創辦人,致力推動發展中國家的公私營合作、城市規劃、初創科技及創效投資,涉及金融科技、可負擔房屋、未來人才、糧食及智慧城市公共政策等範疇。好城市基金會現與超過30個亞洲及非洲的新開發城市合作,推動年輕人才在當地公私營的發展及跨界別合作。獲邀出席活動的嘉賓包括孟加拉鄉村銀行 (Grameen Bank) 創辦人穆罕默德・尤努斯教授 (Prof. Muhammad Yunus)、印尼峇里島登巴薩市市長I.B. Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra及菲律賓阿拉米諾斯市市長Arthur F. Celeste。好城市基金會現為東盟智慧城市網絡私營機構委員會創辦成員及G20國全球智慧城市聯盟機構夥伴。

郭氏曾於香港一家資產管理公司工作,並於聯合國開發計劃署及亞洲開發銀行湄公河商業計劃 (Mekong Business Initiative) 擔任義務工作,了解發展中國家的發展需要、發展融資模式、政策管理及未來政策人才的需求。郭氏也於2016年獲邀為香港-東盟經濟合作基金會的創會成員。



  1. 新加坡國立大學李光耀公共政策學院香港區校友會創會成員
  2. 2019及2021年瑞士聖加侖研討會明日領袖
  3. 2017年TEDxPolyU演講者
  4. 2014 / 2015年克林頓全球倡議校園代表
  5. 2014年哈佛亞洲暨國際關係計劃中國香港代表