Timothy Ma Resized

Timothy Ma, RSW, FCRP, MH, JP

  • Honorary Treasurer, Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum
  • Former Executive Director and Project Consultant, Project Flame: Social innovation & Entrepreneurship@CityU
  • Founding Executive Director, Senior Citizen Home Safety Assn.
  • Chief Consultant, Ma Kam Wah & Co.

Timothy K. W. Ma served as the Project Consultant of Project Flame: Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship at The City University of Hong Kong. The project focuses on incubating innovative initiative in the university to expand and develop more students to have experience and exposure on social enterprise. It also helps to design and support the delivery of Gateway Education courses themed with social enterprise and service leadership at the campus for the students.

Timothy serves as the co-founding member of the Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum with Dr KK Tse. He also is the Council member of the Hong Kong Chamber of Social Enterprises. He has also served as the core member of the Organizing Committee for the annual Social Enterprise Summit since 2010.

He was awarded Outstanding Social Entrepreneurship of East Asia on 2009 by the SCHWAB Foundation and contributing author to a book `Bottom of Pyramid’ for the new entries to social enterprise, and ‘Leadership in Social Enterprise’ by World Economic Forum. He also serves as an expertise on the Ageing Panel at the Global Agenda Council of World Economic Forum since 2012 and now being a member of its Expert Panel on Ageing as well.

Timothy is now one of Directors of Urban Renewal Fund, Member of Supervisory Board and Special Committee on Senior Housing of Hong Kong Housing Society.  He is also a co-opted member of the Task Force on Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund. He also serves as training consultant and advisor for NPI (Shanghai) and SEI (Taiwan).  He also serves as mentor for new startups and social entrepreneurs of Chinese Univ of HK, STP and Cyber Port.


馬錦華於九六至一二年為長者安居協會創會總幹事。該機構藉二十四小時不停運作的平安鐘為居家長者提供以風險管理為本之持續服務、機構更曾是本港最大之社會企業。他於2012至2016年擔任香港城市大學火焰計劃-社會創新企業精神在城大項目執行總監及項目顧問。自2009年起他便參與每年一度民間社企高峰會之籌委、並於2016年擔任世界社企論壇(香港) 之籌委會工作小組召集人。

