
Below is an interview (in Chinese) with Jaff Shen of Leping Foundation, which is a major foundation promoting B Corps in China.  Leping Foundation has been studying B Corp since 2012 and are well informed of various movements in the world attempting to reinvent capitalism. They decided to focus on B Corp because they genuinely believe that this is what China needs.


(The article is in Chinese only) 剛在香港舉行的『社企民間高峰會』,以『創新、創業精神及社會革新』為主題。會上差不多每一個社會創業者的案例,都充份體現了這些主題。 筆者對其中一個案例,印象特別深刻,而且是來自中國內地,更是難能可貴。以下是『多背一公斤』和余志海的故事。


(The article is in Chinese only) 農家女學校的全名是北京農家女實用技能培訓學校,是2001年成立的北京農家女文化發展中心的前身之一。最早是1993年創刊的《農家女》雜誌,1996年創辦「打工妹之家」,1998年創辦農家女學校。兩位創辦人謝麗華及吳青可說是內地社會創業的佼佼者...

在中國開展社會企業—美香乳酪廠 (Mei Xiang Yak Cheese) 及犛牛絨編織公司 (Shokay)

(The article is in Chinese only) Marie So and Carol Chyau are leading social entrepreneurs in Greater China region. They co-founded Ventures in Development, who subsequently set up two social enterprises Mei Xiang Yak Cheese and Shokay, that have empowered thousands of shepherds in western China to generate better income and improve livelihood.