Alan Cheung, MH
- Chairperson, Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum
- Founder & Managing Director of Grandion Group
- Ex-officio Advisor of Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council
Alan graduated from the University of Hong Kong & founded Grandion Industrial Ltd. (a member of Grandion Group) in 1996. Grandion is an apparel supply chain solution provider with production facilities located in China & Hong Kong.
In 2015, Grandion launched an innovative industrial project called TML (To make locally) in HK. The TML project unleashes the competitive advantages of Hong Kong with top design talents; free flow of goods, information and funds; and a sound legal system. TML deploys state-of-art technologies & smart supply chain solutions to extend the Group’s capability from an OEM/ODM manufacturer to an Online to Offline (O2O) customised solutions provider in the data economy.
In view of the “aging population” issue, Alan performed impact investment to the Longevity Group in early 2018 and served as chairman. The Longevity Group has then been transforming from a social enterprise into a business platform with social purposes to design and create an inclusive & smart home for the elderly through crossover collaboration with different industrial & technology enterprises. Longevity keeps striving to be an effective & reliable service provider for the elderly with the aim in helping Hong Kong becomes a smart city on elderly.
The operating purpose of the TML and Longevity project is to generate economic value whilst at the same time creating value for society by achieving a sustainable & diversified development of Hong Kong enterprises. Mr Cheung is appointed as the advisory board or vetting committee members in various Government Bureaus & Organisations in providing advises on Economic & trade development, Innovation & Technology, Vocational & Professional Education, Start-ups incubation, Social Enterprises, Social Innovation and Design Thinking application. Alan also acts as the mentors to support young designers & start-ups to develop their brands and businesses. Since 2018, he has been leading the company as an Impact Ventures Builder to co-create different purpose ventures with social entrepreneurs which leverage social innovations to improve & tackle the social & industrial pain points.
- 香港社會創業論壇主席
- 興迅集團創辦人及董事總經理
- 香港靑年工業家協會當然顧問
2015年,興迅在香港推出一項創意工業計劃,稱為「本地創造(TML – To Make Locally )」。此計劃充份突顯香港的優勢,包括擁有頂尖的設計專才,再加上貨品、資訊和資金的自由流動和穩健的司法系統。「本地創造」抓緊現今數位經濟的趨勢,推展嶄新技術和智能供應鏈方案,使集團由代工生產/原廠設計製造,擴展至提供線上線下(O2O) 的個性化供應方案提供者。
2015年,興迅在香港推出一項創意工業計劃,稱為「本地創造(TML – To Make Locally)」。此計劃充份突顯香港的優勢,包括擁有頂尖的設計專才,再加上貨品、資訊和資金的自由流動和穩健的司法系統。「本地創造」抓緊現今數位經濟的趨勢,推展嶄新技術和智能供應鏈方案,使集團由代工生產/原廠設計製造,擴展至提供線上線下(O2O) 的個性化供應方案提供者。
Awards & Public Services:
Recent Personal Awards:
– 2011 The Young Industrialists Award of Hong Kong
– 2011 The Capital Leaders of Excellence Award
– 2012 The Asia Pacific Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award
– 2013 The Capital Entrepreneur of the Year Award
– 2020 The Medal Of Honor, HKSAR
Public Services:
1. Tech. Voucher Program Committee of Information & Tech. Bureau Vice Chairman
2. Create Smart Initiative Vetting Committee – CreateHK of CEBD Vice Chairman
3. Social Enterprises Advisory Committee of Home Affairs Bureau Vice Chairman
4. Labour & Welfare Bureau – Community Investment and Inclusion Fund Member
5. Social Innovation & Entrepreneur fund of Committee of Poverty Member
6. BUD Fund Programme Management Committee of CEDB Member
7. HKTDC Design, Marketing and Licensing Services Advisory Committee Member
8. Hong Kong Design Centre Director
9. Vocational Training Council Council member
10. Design Discipline Advisory board of VTC – Hong Kong Design Institute Board member
11. Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council Ex-officio Advisor
12. Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council Foundation Vice President
13. General Committee of Federation of Hong Kong Industries Council Member
14. Federation of Hong Kong Industries – Group 31 (Design) Chairman
15. Federation of Hong Kong Industries – CSR committee Chairman
16. Federation of Hong Kong Industries – Design Council Hong Kong Vice Chairman
17. Federation of Hong Kong Industries – Hong Kong Startup Council Member/Principal Mentor
18. The University of Hong Kong – Careers Advisory Board Vice Chairman
19. The Metropolitan University of Hong Kong Council Council Member
20. CW Chu College, CUHK Mentor
21. The Lingnan Education Organisation Director
22. Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum Chairman
23. The Executive Committee of Society for Promoting Hospice Care Member
24. Hong Kong Jockey Club – CLAP for Youth @ JC Advisory Committee Member
1. 創新科技署科技券(TVP)計劃委員會 副主席
2. 商務及經濟發展局創意智優計劃 副主席
3. 民政事務局社會企業諮詢委員會 副主席
4. 勞工及福利局社區投資共享基金 委員
5. 扶貧委員會社創基金專責小組 委員
6. 商務及經濟發展局BUD專項基金計劃管理委員會 委員
7. 香港貿易發展局設計、市場及授權服務業諮詢委員會 委員
8. 香港設計中心 董事
9. 職業訓練理事會 理事
10. 香港設計資專學院設計學科委員會 委員
11. 香港青年工業家協會 當然顧問
12. 香港青年工業家協會基金會 副會長
13. 香港工業總會理事會 理事
14. 香港工業總會第31分組(設計) 主席
15. 香港工業總會促進企業社會責任委員會 主席
16. 香港工業總會香港設計委員會 副主席
17. 香港工業總會香港初創企業委員會 委員/導師
18. 香港大學就業諮詢委員會 副主席
19. 香港都會大學校董會 校董
20. 香港中文大學敬文書院 導師
21. 嶺南教育機構 董事
22. 香港社會創業論壇 主席
23. 善寧會執行委員會 委員
24. 香港賽馬會鼓掌‧創你程計劃諮詢委員會 委員