Edited by Dr KK Tse

Remember Dialogue in the Dark?

Patrick Cheung and KK Tse are setting up a social enterprise to bring it to Hong Kong and China. The new company is called DID (HK) Ltd. First of all, let us tell you what we are proposing to do, why we want to do it, how we are going about it and when.

WHAT – Dialogue in the Dark is an innovative and unique program designed by the German social entrepreneur Andreas Heinecke.

Fee-paying participants are led by blind guides in small groups through a specially constructed and totally darkened exhibition – where sounds, wind, temperature and textures convey the characteristics of daily environments such as a home, a park, a city street or a restaurant. In the dark, daily routines become a new experience. A reversal of roles is created: sighted people are taken out of their familiar environments, losing the sense they rely on most – the sight. Blind people guide them, provide them with security and a sense of orientation – transmitting a world without pictures. The blind guides open the visitors’ eyes in the dark to show them that their world is not poorer – just different.

This will be the core product that we are offering. Other related products include corporate training, team building and simulation workshops. KK has been invited to receive training in this area in London this October in order to explore ways to design similar products for the local market.

WHY – Patrick, KK and the founding team (including Chong Chan Yau, Yvonne Yeung, and Chua Hoi Wai) are passionate about bringing this program to Hong Kong for a number of compelling reasons:

First, we would like to use this program to effect major changes in people’s perception and attitude towards the blind and the disadvantaged groups in society;

Second, we would like to create a successful social enterprise that could achieve the dual objectives of creating social impact and attaining financial success at the same time;

Third, we would like to prove that a successful social enterprise may not need to have any financial support from the government;

Fourth, we would like to be the first social enterprise in Hong Kong to have an EPO (Ethical Public Offering, i.e. the public can buy the shares of our company when they are impressed by our social mission and financial performance)

Finally, we would like to bring Dialogue in the Dark to mainland China and become a role model on social entrepreneurship.

HOW – We are thinking in terms of three major steps.

First, we will build a temporary exhibition in Hong Kong within the next few months to test the market and refine our product.

Second, we will open the first permanent site in Hong Kong within a year.

Third, we will start planning to bring the program to mainland China cities.

On every step, we would like to generate surplus from our operations. The surplus of the temporary exhibition will be donated to a Social Venture Fund to be set up by Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum to provide loans to social enterprises in Hong Kong and China.We aspire to become one of the most profitable social enterprises in Hong Kong so that we could support more innovative social ventures.

WHEN – Right now, we are identifying a site for the temporary exhibition and a decision will be made within a week. We plan to open it before the end of the year, ideally from mid-November onwards in order to tie in with the Social Enterprise Summit Week which will commence on November 17. The time is very tight but we would like to make good use of the Summit Week as well as Christmas and New Year holidays.


KK has published an article on this initiative on the Hong Kong Economic Journal.

黑暗中的對話 — 一個能移風易俗的展覽 (信報 12.8.2008)

作者: 謝家駒,社會創業論壇召集人






德國一位社會創業者安德亞.海勒奇(Andreas Heinecke)針對這個問題,探索出一個創新的方法,他稱之為「黑暗中的對話」。



參加者以五大類人士為主:個人、企業及團體、家庭、學生、遊客,全部須要預約,在個別展館,輪候時間超過一個月。 調查說明,100%的參觀者在五年之後都不會忘記展覽會和他們導遊的名字,其中90%的人更加關注盲人的生活,52%的人向他們推薦這個活動,34%的人願意再次參加,特別會帶家人及同事來參加。


海勒奇出生於德國的巴登,大學時主修歷史,並擁有哲學博士學位,曾任職記者,又擔任過德國盲人基金會的副主任。 2000年他創建了「推廣社會公益活動協會」,2003年創建了「交流形式公司」。海勒奇近年獲得了不少獎項,包括「2006年度德國優秀企業家獎」、2006及2005年「德國優秀社會活動家」、2004年「全方位設計最佳獎(日本)」等等,他可以說是歐洲知名度最高的社會創業者。









Header Image from Dialogue in the Dark International website